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Interview with NTV sport news presenter Denis Kosinov

M: Good evening, Denis!
Anyway, the first question:is sport presented on the proper level on the Russian television?
D: To begin with, we need to understand what the proper level is.
Actually, this question is too much general, we need to choose a kind of sports,for example football.
M: Well,is football presented on the Russian television on a proper level ?
D: No, not on the proper.
M: Why?
Sports television in Russia is not a business, it s a freak of rich people - channels owners
А millionaire wants to play a little and he creates a sports channel, then he realizes that it is boring and stops sponsoring, so there is no channel.
The Striking example is 7TV channel, they tryed to create something and to illuminate sport and they were successfull, but the owner lost all his desire to run the channel and 7Tv disappeared.It exists now, but in a refreshed form: there is no sport on it.
Similar things can be said about Ntv-Plus, it is a caprice.

M: To the second question, is it reasonable to use European model of presenting sport in Russia?(24 hours of sport per day)

D: Reasonably, yes! Why not?

M: Like Sky sports?

D: Sky sports is a cabel TV, you pay for example 50 dollars and enjoy NBA. However, on our federal channels, which were creaned by Vladimir Putin in 2002, there is no opportunitiers to 24 hours of sport.

Shortage of frames, there is nothing to show,so we see Fighting Club and Rocky on sport channels.
 All right, the greatest problem of sport in Russia: it is not a culture like football in England, like NFL in USA.
If during the NFL match the President advertised that war starts in the country people would say: Go away,man,there is touchdown here!
M: The Third question:manager of NTV-PLUS sports channels-Vasiliy Utkin declarared that in 2015 NTV-PLUS-SPORT PLUS and Sport 1 would became federal
Is it true and what about other channels?
D: Its only a hearsay.
Maybe it will be but I can not say for certain.
M: Okey,let s go to the fourth question..
President of Russia in 2012 said that sport agitation in Russia is bad and we must change it.
What do you think about it, how has the situation changed?
D: There are no changes I think.
Actually if you ask that the sport agitation is I will not be able to answer.
Maybe it is when in all city points thereare a lot of posters which say: Sport is cool you need it in your life?
But there are no changes in it, definetely.
So, what about the Olympic games?
It was marvellous!
Really unforgettable and amazing.
Lighting of it was fantastic, like in Europe,the best of the best.
There are no questions about it.
Our guys....thank you! Incredible 18 days.
M: The Last question: NTV-PLUS and Russia 2, which channel is better?
D: In exchange equality, but in count....Russia 2 is the winner.
There are all best sporting events on this channel and they also have more presenable studio...
To conclude, NTV-PLUS is not so bad too,you can see it I think.
And RUSSIA 2 also.
M: Thank you for your interview , Denis!
D: Not for that, you are welcome!

Category: Мои статьи | Added by: champion (09.05.2014)
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